Thursday, May 30, 2013

Good BYE First Trimester!!!! Hello cute baby! :)

Today was my 12 week ultrasound. This OB office does things a little different than my previous one. This is my 2nd of 3 (or more) ultrasounds. More potentially because on my birthday I get to move into the "high risk" category of pregnancy...because I turn 35. Whatever...

Anyways...we decided to take Lucas to the OB with us today. He has been talking about "the baby in Mommy's belly" and I thought he'd really like to "see" it again.

So we get there, and I go in for my annual exam and then after when we're ready for the ultrasound they bring in Jacob and Lucas. At first he was upset because he wanted to sit on my lap. Obviously I couldn't accommodate we had to calm him down. Then the baby showed up on the screen...and he just laughed and laughed! He was so excited!

We asked if we could hear the heartbeat and although it was hard to do with that particular machine...they made it happen. We wanted to record it...but it was way too quiet. Hearing the heartbeat made Lucas laugh again.

He is such a sweetie...and I know he will want to hold this baby all. of. the. time! I am really looking forward to seeing my babies...all of them..bonding :) It will be a wonderful Christmas this year, indeed!

Here is the 12 week Ultrasound. It is a picture of the baby's back. Head is on the right and rump on the left. You can see both arms and one leg. So cute...even for a sketchy blob :) *swoon*

Monday, May 6, 2013

That Feeling...

So you know that feeling you get, way down in your belly that tells you the winds are changing?? You know how you ignore it sometimes?? Well, that was me about a month ago!
So much was changing in our lives and I got so caught up in it that it wasn't until I had a mere second to relax and listen to that wind changing that I realized...I'm pregnant.

I'm not gonna lie, at first I was like "oh what are we gonna do???"

I mean, after all, I had just accepted a position for a new job. We were moving to New York in 1 day...our house was packed and already sent on it's way...there was just no backing down now.

So we tested...and it was positive...and we laughed, I mean, what else do you do?

Today, we laughed again, because I think we finally realized what a BLESSING this will be! Baby #3 is VERY active, we saw baby kicking and waving to us like crazy! I think baby #3 is very excited to meet us. It was also very special because we had our other 2 babies with us to see the first ultrasound.

Lucas doesn't want a brother or a sister....he simply wants a boy. LOL (his words, not mine I promise!)

Here's our ultrasound picture from today.

As usual we will NOT be finding out the gender and baby is due December 11, 2013...just in time for Christmas (and Lucas said!) We couldn't be happier!! :)

Love from NY,
