Thursday, November 21, 2013

37 weeks...the comparison!'s Thursday...let's do a little throwback...shall we??

Here we find Momma 37 weeks with her first...

Then 37 weeks with her second...

Now...37 weeks with her 3rd...

I see...Carrying HIGH with Lucas...and lower with Jack and the new baby. :) 

I love that I've taken pictures with each pregnancy to compare/contrast!

Belly cast gets done this weekend...stay tuned! :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Jack's Cute...He know's it.

One morning while I was getting Jack ready for the day he was being so ornery (not a surprise)...and I just happened to say to him "Say I'm cute, I know it" and instantly it became a thing...I got it on video too! Enjoy!


Well it's not the surprise you were probably thinking...but boy was I shocked!

I work on a 55+ Senior Community and the residents here have fallen in love with me as much as I have fallen for them! They are so excited about this baby (and really hoping that it is a girl! secrets about that) They planned a baby shower for me and although it was to be a surprise...a few residents let the cat out of the bag and I found out about it.
When I walked into the clubhouse last Thursday I was OVERWHELMED at the number of people, the amount of food and presents and just the overall JOY that was in that room! I began making my way around the room saying hello to each lady and thanking them for coming. Little did I know that I was in for the SHOCK of my life.
As I continued around the room I came to one table in particular. Since I don't know everyone yet, I was just generically greeting most people saying thank you for coming, how nice of you, etc. When I turned around to hug this next lady she stood up to hug me. My eyes traveled from where they were looking (at her sitting) up to her face...and then I realized. IT WAS MY MOM!!!!!!!!

I do look terrified here...but I assure you, I was not! I was shocked and so thrilled that she was there! I would have never asked her to make it a point to be there...after all, she had JUST visited me 2 weeks prior and would be here in 3 weeks! The joy on the faces of the other ladies was apparent too! They had pulled one over on me and were thrilled about it! There wasn't a dry eye in the room!

I couldn't have felt more blessed than that...and they gave and gave and loved and loved on us! We serve an AMAZING God who makes sure that we receive the desires of our hearts...when we walk in his will!

So 2 weeks ago, on my mom's last day here we took a picture...and we took a picture of us today. What a difference 2 weeks makes!


So she'll be back in 3 weeks to greet her 9th grand baby! What a wonderful time! :) I love you Mom!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

35 weeks...

Well we've gotten to 35 weeks now and I am seriously trying to NOT run out of steam...I think I can, I think I can..wait I KNOW I CAN!
God Bless my husband Jacob...he is such a blessing to me! Always helping when I know he's tired too! :)

35 weeks and we just got another ultrasound of the baby. This practice doesn't really PRIDE themselves on giving you good ultrasound keepsake pictures...but oh well! Here's our little bambino at 35 weeks

It's a side profile of the baby with the head on the right, arm over the face and then knees crossed up by the belly. Can't really SEE baby...but he/she is behaving and is HEAD DOWN so we can't complain :)

And here is mama at 35 weeks...that belly is dropping and starting to REALLY stick out! WOAH!

Won't be long now! Mom flies in on the 2nd of December, just after Turkey Day and the OSU victory over U of M :) We are also going to be putting our Christmas tree up early this year! BUSY BUSY!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mom's visits

Well in true mother-daughter fashion...we didn't get an "in between" picture...but we did manage to get a picture of mom and me both times she visited!

So here we are at 17 weeks when she visited in June:

And here we are at 34 weeks when she visited this past weekend!

I'm realizing I really shouldn't wear that it doesn't flatter me at all :) LOL

So glad I still have her! xoxo Mom!


How in the world did my kiddos grow up so fast!??
Lucas turned 4 this year and Jack turned 2. We had celebrations at Grammy & Grandma's in Ohio. Here are a few pics:

We also got a "Cousins" picture with Grammy's came out so great!!
Back: (L-R) Walker 5 (Emily) Allie 7, Zoey 9 (Hannah) Wyatt 9 (Emily)
Front: (L-R) Joshua 3 (Hannah) Jack 2, Lucas 4 (me) Teryn 3(Emily)

Baby on the way in December!!!


OK OK...I apologize. It has been 8 weeks since I've updated and that is just not ok! I will spare you 8 weeks worth of pictures...and share just a few!

We are 34 weeks now and moving right along! We have another ultrasound tomorrow just to insure that baby is HEAD DOWN and ready to rock and roll! My belly seems to be getting bigger and tighter as the days go on and I keep getting slower and slower. LOL I don't really remember feeling this tired and incapable of regular activity while pregnant with Jack...but as my mother says I am "2 years older" now. Great...LOL

So here are some pictures:
28 weeeks

31 Weeks Pregnant

34 Weeks Pregnant

We're just moving right along! I have both Mom and Kathy's flights booked for the delivery. Mom will stay with me for 2 weeks and Kathy will come back after the holidays! God is just blessing us!! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Almost ready to ROUND 3RD!!

So just doing a little research today and came to realize that we are JUST ABOUT READY to start that 3rd Trimester!
Here's a little baby ticker so you can follow along....

and the latest "bump" picture! 26 weeks and counting!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Time for an Update...

Ok, ok. I know I PROMISED to keep this updated...but laziness (in this area) has taken over and it just hasn't happened! However, for the most part if you are on my FB page, you've seen a lot of the updates!

Baby is GROWING! I think my last update showed me at 15 weeks. Well...I am 22.5 weeks now and still feeling great! It's hard for me to NOT look back and see the differences between my belly now and with Jack and Lucas...So let's take a look...shall we??

Me @ 23 weeks with Lucas, Then with Jack, and now with baby #3...Big, Bigger...BIGGER! :)

OH well, I am feeling great! :) And just to catch you up.... I always do a picture on my started when I was pregnant for Lucas in 2009 and then every year after. This was this year's picture...pregnant, again! It's been every other year since 2009 :)

The boys are growing like you can see, and Jack got his FIRST OFFICIAL BIG BOY HAIRCUT! Now we've cut his hair before, always maintaining those luscious curls...but enough was enough as his hair is thick and it is HOT this summer! 
Isn't he a doll??
BEFORE (very messy...but oh so curly!)

And curls...but OH SO CUTE!! :) He really is a doll!

Lucas is so excited about the baby. He tells everyone that there is a baby in mommy's belly and he switches back and forth between whether it is a boy or a girl. He knows what a brother is, but doesn't quite get what a sister asking him if he is going to have a baby sister kinda confuses him! LOL Well, we'll just keep everyone guessing until baby arrives...around December 9th...because we don't find out the gender! Isn't this picture so cute though? He got his VERY OWN picture of the baby when we went for our last ultrasound!
Such a proud big brother!!

Lucas has also learned how to ride a bike! He rode his pedal-less balance bike for about 6 weeks and then our friend Tom put his "big boy" bike together for him. I had to CONVINCE Tom that the training wheels were NOT NEEDED and am happy to say, Lucas never used them! 20 minutes at the back of our property and he was riding well. 2 weeks later he is a CHAMP...looks around when riding, turns on a dime, stops even with his pedal brakes now! There is a good sized hill on the property here and he braved going down it for the first time this week. He was a little too thrilled at the end and ended up in Daddy's arms...but we were soooo very proud of him!!

This is a short video of him on his FIRST DAY!! I am so proud of him!

Lucas and Jack are loving to read, they ask to read books daily now! Grandma gave Lucas a Dinosaur book that was Grandpa's and he looks at it every day. Jack is more fascinated with this Potty book...the first time Jacob read it to him he was nearly hysterical because of the silly-ness of the book. I was able to snag some footage of the reading...enjoy :)

Jack isn't wanting to 'do' the potty...but he talks about it an awful lot! I'm ready when he is! :)

All in all, life is good with the Scotts in NY. We are adjusting very well, the people here are so nice, no matter what you've heard about NYers...these people do NOT fit the nasty bill. It is quiet, and serene here. We live kinda in the country and close to the beach at the same time!
Don't worry, we won't be putting down roots OHIO is our home...but it's where God has us for now, and we're happy with that!

So...I promise to try to keep this more updated...

Monday, June 17, 2013

OFF to the BEACH!!!

Jacob took the boys to the beach today...for the first time in swim suits I might add and they had a really good time! They told me they loved the sand more than the water...but Jacob also said the water was cold. I am excited to go with them next weekend when my mom is here!

Here is a video for your enjoyment :)

15 weeks...and FINALLY feeling GREAT! :)

I am so excited that I have finally turned the corner! Whew...the 1st trimester is a hard one! :) We've had friends here from Ohio for the past few days and it has been so nice to actually ENJOY that time with them, instead of laying around trying to not feel yucky!! My mom comes on Thursday...and I am OVERJOYED!! I can NOT wait to HUG HER NECK!! :) She is such a blessing to me!!

So cheers to feeling's a 15 week picture...and YES that IS me rocking another MereDee Design!! :) (My friend Meredith is so talented...and such a blessing for sending this with our friends so I could look super cute preggie :) xxoo Mer!)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Goodbye Nausea....HELLO...Bump?

Well today marks Day 1 of the 2nd Trimester! I can't tell you how excited I am to FINALLY say that! The 1st trimester is never really my favorite part...and I am happy to say it is behind me! What I guess I didn't expect, or remember, is that with the 2nd Trimester comes the belly. Not that I'm showing too much...but with Lucas I didn't even think about maternity clothing until 20 weeks. And with Jack I guess it was about the same time...but I was much smaller at the same time! (I even wore the same shirt to prove it!)
All the same, I'm glad to be growing, because that means little baby is too!

Lucas is getting excited as he asks a lot if he can hold the baby in my belly...and I keep telling him he can, when it's time. Jack says "baby" and he is practicing the names which are Katie if it's a girl and Isaac if it's a boy. He can say Katie but he calls Isaac Ike-y and I think it's adorable :)

So here's to the 2nd trimester...may it go smoothly! :) Baby is due 12-11-13.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Good BYE First Trimester!!!! Hello cute baby! :)

Today was my 12 week ultrasound. This OB office does things a little different than my previous one. This is my 2nd of 3 (or more) ultrasounds. More potentially because on my birthday I get to move into the "high risk" category of pregnancy...because I turn 35. Whatever...

Anyways...we decided to take Lucas to the OB with us today. He has been talking about "the baby in Mommy's belly" and I thought he'd really like to "see" it again.

So we get there, and I go in for my annual exam and then after when we're ready for the ultrasound they bring in Jacob and Lucas. At first he was upset because he wanted to sit on my lap. Obviously I couldn't accommodate we had to calm him down. Then the baby showed up on the screen...and he just laughed and laughed! He was so excited!

We asked if we could hear the heartbeat and although it was hard to do with that particular machine...they made it happen. We wanted to record it...but it was way too quiet. Hearing the heartbeat made Lucas laugh again.

He is such a sweetie...and I know he will want to hold this baby all. of. the. time! I am really looking forward to seeing my babies...all of them..bonding :) It will be a wonderful Christmas this year, indeed!

Here is the 12 week Ultrasound. It is a picture of the baby's back. Head is on the right and rump on the left. You can see both arms and one leg. So cute...even for a sketchy blob :) *swoon*

Monday, May 6, 2013

That Feeling...

So you know that feeling you get, way down in your belly that tells you the winds are changing?? You know how you ignore it sometimes?? Well, that was me about a month ago!
So much was changing in our lives and I got so caught up in it that it wasn't until I had a mere second to relax and listen to that wind changing that I realized...I'm pregnant.

I'm not gonna lie, at first I was like "oh what are we gonna do???"

I mean, after all, I had just accepted a position for a new job. We were moving to New York in 1 day...our house was packed and already sent on it's way...there was just no backing down now.

So we tested...and it was positive...and we laughed, I mean, what else do you do?

Today, we laughed again, because I think we finally realized what a BLESSING this will be! Baby #3 is VERY active, we saw baby kicking and waving to us like crazy! I think baby #3 is very excited to meet us. It was also very special because we had our other 2 babies with us to see the first ultrasound.

Lucas doesn't want a brother or a sister....he simply wants a boy. LOL (his words, not mine I promise!)

Here's our ultrasound picture from today.

As usual we will NOT be finding out the gender and baby is due December 11, 2013...just in time for Christmas (and Lucas said!) We couldn't be happier!! :)

Love from NY,


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A new bike!

Lucas is ready, finally to try out a new bike! So...we bought him one! One of those balance bikes without pedals to start. He does fine pedaling on a trike, but two wheels kinda throws him. We had him come to my office this morning (because my maintenance man Tom put the bike together for us) and when he walked in his mouth hit the floor and then a HUGE smile filled his face!
He immediately went outside to ride his bike. He is a doll!!

Just wanted to share a smile from NY :)


Thursday, April 25, 2013

First Post on a NEW Blog!

New Blog, New Address, New...well a lot of stuff! I am doing this blog now because some of my friends/family do NOT do FB and since that is my #1 source of posting pictures and such I figured being this far away I should switch it up a bit...share the love, ya know? So here goes: 2 months ago I was approached by a former employer to come to work for her in New York...out on Long Island. I wasn't completely thrilled about the prospect...because I L.O.V.E. being home with my kiddos. The more we talked about it the more it became obvious to us that this is where God was leading us. So with heavy hearts...and a bit of excitement...we packed up everything we had and moved to the BIG APPLE...well just east of it really! Out on Long Island! Jacob is staying home with our kiddos and I am working full time...just behind our house! It is a really good set up for us. Life is good, God is good...and we are happy, for the most part :) Moving is hard...transition isn't easy...but we'll make it through...we always do! are just a few pictures for you.
Here we are on the beach in March, when we came to visit the property.

Lucas is in LOVE with the beach...he begs to go every day! It's still too cold...but soon...

This is our house. It's a 4 bedroom with a full unfinished basement and a huge backyard...a far cry from what we are used to! The boys are LOVING it!!

We have even been downstairs in the bad weather riding bikes (I may or may not have had them running laps one night before bed...tee hee)

God is blessing us...and we couldn't be more thankful if we tried!! Keep in touch! Our new address is:

703 Fresh Pond Ave
Unit 200
Calverton, NY 11933

Come visit ANYTIME!!! We'd love to see you!!

The Scotts