Thursday, August 8, 2013

Time for an Update...

Ok, ok. I know I PROMISED to keep this updated...but laziness (in this area) has taken over and it just hasn't happened! However, for the most part if you are on my FB page, you've seen a lot of the updates!

Baby is GROWING! I think my last update showed me at 15 weeks. Well...I am 22.5 weeks now and still feeling great! It's hard for me to NOT look back and see the differences between my belly now and with Jack and Lucas...So let's take a look...shall we??

Me @ 23 weeks with Lucas, Then with Jack, and now with baby #3...Big, Bigger...BIGGER! :)

OH well, I am feeling great! :) And just to catch you up.... I always do a picture on my started when I was pregnant for Lucas in 2009 and then every year after. This was this year's picture...pregnant, again! It's been every other year since 2009 :)

The boys are growing like you can see, and Jack got his FIRST OFFICIAL BIG BOY HAIRCUT! Now we've cut his hair before, always maintaining those luscious curls...but enough was enough as his hair is thick and it is HOT this summer! 
Isn't he a doll??
BEFORE (very messy...but oh so curly!)

And curls...but OH SO CUTE!! :) He really is a doll!

Lucas is so excited about the baby. He tells everyone that there is a baby in mommy's belly and he switches back and forth between whether it is a boy or a girl. He knows what a brother is, but doesn't quite get what a sister asking him if he is going to have a baby sister kinda confuses him! LOL Well, we'll just keep everyone guessing until baby arrives...around December 9th...because we don't find out the gender! Isn't this picture so cute though? He got his VERY OWN picture of the baby when we went for our last ultrasound!
Such a proud big brother!!

Lucas has also learned how to ride a bike! He rode his pedal-less balance bike for about 6 weeks and then our friend Tom put his "big boy" bike together for him. I had to CONVINCE Tom that the training wheels were NOT NEEDED and am happy to say, Lucas never used them! 20 minutes at the back of our property and he was riding well. 2 weeks later he is a CHAMP...looks around when riding, turns on a dime, stops even with his pedal brakes now! There is a good sized hill on the property here and he braved going down it for the first time this week. He was a little too thrilled at the end and ended up in Daddy's arms...but we were soooo very proud of him!!

This is a short video of him on his FIRST DAY!! I am so proud of him!

Lucas and Jack are loving to read, they ask to read books daily now! Grandma gave Lucas a Dinosaur book that was Grandpa's and he looks at it every day. Jack is more fascinated with this Potty book...the first time Jacob read it to him he was nearly hysterical because of the silly-ness of the book. I was able to snag some footage of the reading...enjoy :)

Jack isn't wanting to 'do' the potty...but he talks about it an awful lot! I'm ready when he is! :)

All in all, life is good with the Scotts in NY. We are adjusting very well, the people here are so nice, no matter what you've heard about NYers...these people do NOT fit the nasty bill. It is quiet, and serene here. We live kinda in the country and close to the beach at the same time!
Don't worry, we won't be putting down roots OHIO is our home...but it's where God has us for now, and we're happy with that!

So...I promise to try to keep this more updated...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jacob for the read! I loved it! Chuckling right along with you until I HAD to laugh out loud when you said "let's call Grandma, she'll want to hear!" But of course!!!
    Great blog update, love the birthday pic, but love you guys more!! xoxoxo
